Wow, oh, wow! Has it been a hectic couple of days for us!!
First, we've been in touch with the Walk Now for Autism folks. Very
kind people! We're set to be vendors for the resource fair then. End of
We've also been in touch with a local university, a local
hospital, and several members of the OpenSource communities. We've been
thrilled to be featured in two blogs from LinuxInsider, and we've been
mentioned in the blog of Mr. Jono Bacon, of Canonical.
And just tonight, we were contacted by the organizers of the Southern California Linux Expo.
We have been invited to come out and show off Qimo!! We are thrilled
that we will be joining them in late February. This is tremendous
exposure for Qimo, a major forum to show off not only what we do, but
We've also been preparing for our Hillsborough county roll-out. That should take place very soon.
We owe a great deal of gratitude to Jono Bacon, of Canonical, for
taking the time out of his busy schedule to help us along, as well as a
great thank you to Katherine Noyes from Linux Insider, for featuring us
in her blog. And a great deal of thanks go out to the developers of the
games we feature, without them, Qimo would not be. And a thank you to
the Florida LoCo
community, an online community of Ubuntu users, for all of their help,
support and patience. And a special thank you to MIANOSM, of Fla. LoCo,
for generously donating space for us to host the CD image of the
Thank you ALL for your patience and support. Without our local
community, this would not be possible, and without support from friends
scattered far and wide, we would not be blessed like we are.
Please, go check out the website, download the CD image, and let us
know what you think. We're open to suggestions, testing, critique, etc.
Take care, everyone!